Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Amazing Survival Story: Further Demonstration of Canadian Superiority

Ken Hildebrand was trapped face down under his ATV in the freezing snow for 96 hours in the Crowsnest Pass area in Alberta, but kept hypothermia, wolves, coyotes and hunger at bay until he was rescued.

Hildebrand had been checking animal traps on January 8th when his ATV hit a rock and threw him off. The vehicle landed on his legs, which he tried unsuccessfully to pry off with an axe he had on the ATV. He also attempted to lift it up by pounding animal bones into the ground, but that also proved too difficult. Instead he used the animal carcasses for nourishment and drank snow for hydration. Fortunately he had an emergency whistle and employed it to ward off the scavening animals.

He was finally found by hikers who were on a little-used trail in the foothills. He has been recovering for the last week in hospital in Lethbridge, Alberta.


Anonymous said...

The man is a trapper. He simply got a taste of what he puts animals through every day. So he nearly had to cut off his own leg to get free? Trapped animals do that all the time in a desperate attempt to save their own lives, which are as precious to them as Mr Hildebrrand's is to him. I hope he takes his recouperation time to reflect on this, and decides to do the right thing - to not trap any more, and to not put others through what he found so unpleasantly painful and terrifying himself. "Do not unto others what you would not have done to thyself!"

"Instant Karma's going to get you .." - John Lennon

Anonymous said...

RE: Four footed Messiah
you lack the basic common decency to be part of society and yourself should be cast into the wilderness to survive- lets see how long you live off plants....
this re-telling of actual events reveals the nature of survival and the resilience of the human spirit. Animals were meant to be treated humanely, but are certainly of negligent value when it compares to the life of a HUMAN.

your post should be removed based on its lack of comassion and sheer stupidity. We will just assume you are one of those bleeding-heart dumb Americans.....